
Challenges of living with ADHD and how I deal with them

Hello everyone!

Today I thought I would share my experiences about the challenges of living with ADHD. As you may already know, I have the diagnosis and it can be difficult at times, but I have also learned to deal with it in different ways. So here is my story about the challenges I have faced and how I deal with them.

The first thing I noticed when I was diagnosed was that I had difficulty focusing and concentrating. I can get distracted very easily myself and it can be difficult to stay focused on tasks that require more time or effort. I have tried different methods to improve my focus and concentration, such as mindfulness and other relaxation methods. These have helped me to stay focused and concentrated for longer and have made it easier to deal with difficult tasks.

Another challenge I have encountered is that it can be difficult to organize and plan my daily life. I sometimes have trouble remembering what to do and when, and this can lead to forgetting important things or not getting everything done that I have planned. To deal with this, I have started using organizational and planning tools such as a diary, a calendar or an app to keep track of what I need to do and when. I've also started using reminders and alerts to make sure I don't forget important things.

Impulsiveness and difficulties with waiting are also something I have encountered. I can sometimes feel compelled to do things without thinking through the consequences, or I can find it difficult to wait for what I want. To deal with this, I have started practicing mindfulness and other relaxation techniques. These have helped me to curb my impulsiveness and to think about my actions before I take them.

Overactivity and difficulty in sitting still is also something I have encountered. Overactivity is often a sign of ADHD and it can be difficult to sit still and concentrate. To deal with this, I have found an activity or interest that helps me to relax and release my overactivity. I have started exercising regularly, which helps me to release my energy and stay focused at the same time.

Relationships and social interaction are also something I have encountered. I can sometimes have difficulty understanding social codes and signals, and this can make it hard to get to know new people or stay in touch with existing friends. To deal with this, I have started to learn more about social codes and signals and try to keep in touch with my friends and family on a regular basis. I also try to be open and honest about my diagnosis with those I am close to, so that they can understand me better and help me deal with any relationship challenges.

So, there you have my story about the challenges I have faced and how I deal with them. As you can see, there are many different things that can make life difficult when you have ADHD, but there are also many different strategies and methods that can help you deal with these challenges. The most important thing is to find what works best for you and not to give up hope.

It is also important to point out that a person with ADHD may have different challenges and the most important thing is to find the method that works for you. So if you relate to what I have written, don't hesitate to seek help and contact professionals. And if you have any questions or concerns, I am here to answer them.

Take care! / Mariko

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